U. Edinburgh home page

  Marielle Lange

  PhD, Lecturer, University of Edinburgh (Scotland)


Language at Edinburgh


Between 2002 and 2005 I was working in Edinburgh, Scotland, as a lecturer, on a joint appointment in the departments of Psychology and informatics, as a psycholinguist, and part of the group Language at Edinburgh

Edinburgh castle


Marielle Lange

Department of Psychology
7 George Square University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, EH8 9JZ, UK
Tel: 44 131 650 3444
Fax: 44 131 650 6626

Institute of Adaptive and Neural Computation (ANC)
61 Forrest Road University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, EH1 2QF, UK

Email: M.Lange@ed.ac.uk                                                                                                                                                

Current teaching commitments

Tutorial groups


  • Dept of psychology, 4th year, weeks 6-10 of 1st term, weeks 1-5 of second term.




  • Alex McCauley, PhD student at ANC institute (main supervisor) on a project about "Word recognition in Hebrew"
  • Janet Hsiao, PhD student at ANC institute (main supervisor is Richard Shillcock) on a project about "Connectionist Simulation of Chinese Word Recognition"
  • Annette Leonhard, MSc student in Cognitive Sciences
  • Ionnis Karakechagias, MSc student in Cognitive Sciences
  • Despina Paizi, MSc student in "Language Evolution"


  • Michael Eng, 4th year student in AI&Linguistics. "Estimates of print-to-sound ambiguities when pronuncing by anology to existing words"
  • Michael Lloyd, 4th year student in Informatics. "Web-based interface for access to lexical databases and lexical statistics"
  • Justin Maver, 4th year Psychology dissertation. "Do readers keep track of all possible pronunciations of a print unit?"
  • Alex McCauley, PhD student at ANC institute
  • Janet Hsiao, PhD student at ANC institute


  • Michael Schnadt, MSc student in Psycholinguistics.
  • Ayano Kasai, MSc student in Linguistics
  • Emi Sakamoto, MSc student in Linguistics


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Language at Edinburgh
Last updated September 2005 by