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Language in an embodied brain: Can we find a better model without competition or mirror neurons? (Demian Esnaurrizar, MSc Inf)
The bilingual brain and the 'critical period hypothesis' (Inbal Arnon, MSc Psycholinguistics)
When is the appropriate age to begin learning to read? (Brian Urbon, MSc Inf)
The domain specificity of syntactic and semantic processing in the brain (Bjorn Nelson, MSc Inf.)
Language Evolution: Theories and debates (Theodoros Damoulas, MSc Inf.)
Sign Language: Structure and Brain organization (Manuela Rolle, MSc Inf.)
Phonological working memory: how does the evidence from neuroimaging advance our understanding? (Catherine Dickie, MSc Dvt Linguistics).
Music and Language share a common set of porcesses: Language is not only processed by independent and dedicated processes (Nicolas Toussaint, MSc Inf.)
Spatial Relationships in Language and Perception (Andrea Lechler, MSc Inf.)
How similar is cortical organisation and hemispheric dominance for spoken and signed languages? (Uta Sassenberg, MSc Psycholinguistics)
On the modularity and innateness of language: A compromising approach (Evangelos Delivopoulos, MSc Inf.)
Examining cross-linguistics evidence for agrammatism in Broca's aphasia. (Clare Huxley, MSc Psycholinguistics)
The role of proficiency level in determining cortical activation during L2 processing. (Ash Borwn, MSc Dvt Ling)
The hemispheres in harmony: An argument for the unique linguistic processing style of the right hemisphere. (Manon Jones, MSc Psycholinguistics)
Syntax and Semantics in the brain: Evidence for Modularity? (Lucy McGregor, MSc Psycholinguistics)
Bilateral Involvement of the Hemispheres in Affective Prosody. (Tamara Polajnar, MSc Inf.)
Theory of Mind and Autism - A view with regard to Language, Communicaiton, and Interaction (Brenda O'Donnell, MSc Inf.)
Handedness and language lateralisation in the human brain (Viktoria-Eleni Gountouna, MSc informatics)
Left hemisphere predisposition towards language: Evidence from sign language (Christine Binns, MSc speech and language processing).
Asperger Syndrome Ð A continuum of autistic disorders? (Louise Conlin, MSc informatics)
Models of spoken word recognition (Unni Cathrine Eiken, MSc speech and language processing)
Processing of several languages in one brain (Ulrike Baldewein, MSc CG)
Connectionist models of normal and impaired reading (Gaurav Malhotra, MSc informatics)
Tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon: a window from which to observe cognitive processes underlying the selection and production of words (Angela, Bevilacqua, MSc Developmental Linguistics).
On the innateness of language: From theory to praxis (Marina Papoutsi , MScCG)
Stuttering, and how it can increase our knowledge of the speech production process (Rachel Baker, MSc speech and language processing)
Connectionist models of reading and dyslexia (Gil Orazi, MSc informatics)
The bilingual brain (Ayano Kasai, MSc Dvt Ling)
Brain plasticity and language (Maria-Zoi Siamou, MSc speech and language processing)
Word meaning and conceptual representation (Efstathios Politis, MSc AI).
Deep dyslexia: symptoms and origins (Tom Roberts, MSc CG)
Mirror neurons and the origin of language (Patricio Yankilevich, MSC informatics)
Understanding acquired language disorders: aphasia and dyslexia (Mark Seddon, MSc CG)
Semantics: Learning from dementia (Christopher A. Warr, MSc informatics).
Written word processing in Chinese ESL learners (Stacy Szu-wei Chen, MSc devt linguistics)
Autism: Can the current accounts be reconciled? (Ciara Catchpole)
Dimensions of dyslexia: A medical problem or a learning disability? An approach to the detection and management of the child and the adult dyslexic. (Ioannis Prapas)
Psycholinguistic, neurolinguistic and neuroscientific study of simultaneous interpreting (Beatrice Alex).
Segmenting the speech stream and the acquisition of morphemes: The role of phonology in linguistic development. (Danielle Matthews).
Deep dyslexia: Right hemisphere or damaged left hemisphere reading? (Serge Thill).
Is there a critical period for second language acquisition? (Sebastian Pado).
First language acquisition (Hanna Wallach).
Constraint programming and connectionism as models of human language processing (Marco Kuhlmann).
Coarse Semantic coding and the role of the right hemisphere in language processing (Matthew Watson).
The neuropsychological perspective of bilingualism: brain injury and recovery. Implications for the understanding of language function and dysfunction in bilinguals (Anna Chatzidaki).
Acquisition and Expression. The role of conceptual and contextual keys in storage and retrieval for long term memory (Jordan Joseph Wales).
Syntax, semantics and the brain: Understanding the significance of event-related potentials (Colin Bannard).
A high-level cognitive model that considers emotional content for the assignation of semantic meaning (E. Steve Rodrigez Rdz.)
Swearing in aphasia and Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome (Daniel S. Roberts).
Savants: the phenomenon revisited. Smith and Tsimply’s “The mind of a savant: Language learning and modularity” put in context (Christopher Van Bael).
Structure-driven or constraint-based parsing. Insights into different sentence comprehension models (Mareile Hillevi Knees).
Broca’s aphasics and syntax (Bethany McLemore).
Language acquisition: First steps towards a cognitive approach? (Matthijs van der Meer).
Foreign accent syndrome (Sarah Creer).
Models of syntactic parsing preferences in the light of ERP investigation.
Writing language (Duncan Abela).
Differences between the linguistic processing styles of brain’s hemispheres (Dave Hawkey).