General resources
The brain and its structure
Dictionaries, glossaries, on-line encyclopedia
Lecture related material on the net
Lecture 1
Language in the Brain
Lecture 2
Techniques and technologies
In the news
Lecture 3
Language and the corpus callosum
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 4
The processing style of the right hemisphere
Lecture 5
From eye to brain
Handouts and lecture notes
In the news
- Brain fakes it Nerve-cell activity when eyes are shut reveals internal views of the world. In Nature, 30 October 2003
Lecture 6
From ear to brain
Handouts and lecture notes
Hearing. Chapter of the on-line book on anatomy and physiology. ©1999-2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc, A Pearson Company, Distance Learning at Prentice Hall
- Our sense of Hearing at Neuroscience for kids (they are serious and good quality handouts, worth exploring their website)
Lecture 7
Word recognition: Written and spoken forms
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 8
Surface and phonological dyslexia
- Go to Neuropsychology: A multimedia course to try a demo of the plaut's model of written word pronunciation (Chapter: 1. Language, Section, 7. Word Production II, bottom of the page)
Lecture 9
Deep dyslexia and the right hemisphere
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 10
Dependence upon peripheral systems: Neglect dyslexia and attentional dyslexias
In the news
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 11
Memory and language
Handouts, lecture notes
Lecture 12
Sentence processing: Broca’s aphasia
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 13
Syntax and the normal brain
Lecture 14
The modularity debate: (counter)evidence from syntax
Lecture 15
Autism and Christopher, the linguistic savant
Handouts, lecture notes
Handouts, lecture notes
Lecture 16
Language in animals
In the news
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 17
Acquisition and the critical period
In the news
Handouts and lecture notes
Lecture 18
Language exotica
© Marielle Lange (,
Last updated September 2004