Online resources

[ General resources | Lecture related material ]


General resources

The brain and its structure
Dictionaries, glossaries, on-line encyclopedia


Lecture related material on the net




Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 1

Language in the Brain


Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 2

Techniques and technologies

In the news

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 3

Language and the corpus callosum

Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 4

The processing style of the right hemisphere


Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 5

From eye to brain

Handouts and lecture notes
In the news

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 6

From ear to brain

Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 7

Word recognition: Written and spoken forms

Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 8

Surface and phonological dyslexia


Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 9

Deep dyslexia and the right hemisphere

Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 10

Dependence upon peripheral systems: Neglect dyslexia and attentional dyslexias

In the news
Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 11

Memory and language

Handouts, lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 12

Sentence processing: Broca’s aphasia

Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 13

Syntax and the normal brain


Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 14

The modularity debate: (counter)evidence from syntax


Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 15

Autism and Christopher, the linguistic savant

Handouts, lecture notes
Handouts, lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 16

Language in animals

In the news
Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 17

Acquisition and the critical period

In the news
Handouts and lecture notes

Click on the arrow to go to the top of the document Lecture 18

Language exotica