"Imagine a school with children that can read or write, but with teachers who cannot, and you have a metaphor of the Information Age in which we live. "-Peter Cochrane
I once more changed of place. No more sunny days and wonderful beaches! I am now in the beautiful city of Edinburgh, Scotland. The text bellow will be updated soon.
FunctionsI am currently working in Sydney, on an ARC grant obtained by Marcus Taft, from University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. The research project bears upon the identifications of the units of lexical access. The idea there is that because it is found that you can access to the informations associated to a word such as its pronunciation or meaning quite rapidly, it seems realistic to hold that you do not have to identify each letter in the word, that you can trigger a lexical unit on the basis of the identification of subparts of the word (units os lexical access). For numerous years, Marcus Taft's researches have focused on the identification of these units in English. As a result of these years of researches, he has isolated the BOSS (standing for Basic Orthographic Syllabic Structure) as its favorite candidate for a unit of lexical access. In the more recent years, he has expanded these researches to determine whether differences in the nature of the units of lexical access can be found between languages and whether differences in the use of intermediate units for lexical access can be found between skilled and less skilled readers. As a research assistant and a native speaker of French, I am there to help to develop these new lines of research. |
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AddressMarielle LangeSchool of Psychology University of New South Wales Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia Tel: 61 2 9385 3026 Fax: 61 2 9385 3641 Email: mlange@unsw.edu.au ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ ÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ |
Ph.D thesis (1996-2000)PhD in Psychology, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, UniversitÈ Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), as a Grant holder of the NFSR (National Funds for Scientific Research) belgian organisation, with a thesis entitled: "De l'orthographe ý la prononciation: Nature des processus de conversion graphËme-phonËme dans la reconnaissance des mots Ècrits. [From orthography to phonology: Nature of the grapheme-phoneme conversion processes in written words recognition]".Advisors: A. Content . Examiners: M. Brysbaert, R. Peereman, D. Holender, G. Karnas. Received with the greatest distinction with felicitations of the jury. Thesis defended in the Doctoral School of Cognitive Sciences (EDSC, UniversitÈ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), with as accompanying committee: S. Andrews, A. Cleeremans, A. Content, and R. Peereman. Connected to these researches, there is a web page illustrating grapheme-phoneme relations in French and English.
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Higher Education
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Scientific vulgarisationCreation and management of an internet site "Museum of Perception and Cognition" to serve as support for the praticals in Experimental Psychology (tit. JosÈ Morais, 1st year in Psychological and Education Sciences, 15h). This site introduces optical illusions and experimental paradigms in a dynamic and interactive way. Available at: http://www.ulb.ac.be/psycho/museum.html. |
HobbiesSpeaking frogs, Science-Fiction, volley-ball. |
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PublicationsThesesLange, M. (2000). De l'orthographe ý la prononciation: Nature des processus de conversion graphËme-phonËme dans la reconnaissance des mots Ècrits. Unpublished PhD Thesis, UniversitÈ Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium. Unpublished PhD Thesis, UniversitÈ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Lange, M. (1997). Spelling-sound regularities in polysyllabic English words and their effects on reading. Unpublished M. Phil Thesis, University of Cambridge, England. (Abstract) Lange, M. (1995). Composantes parallËles et sÈquentielles dans la reconnaissance des mots Ècrits. MÈmoire de licence non publiÈ, ULB, Belgique. Published PapersLange, M. (2002). Activation of multiple phonemic associates of graphemes in visual word recognition. Brain and Language, 80, 610-620. (Full Paper) Lange, M. (1999). Museum of Perception and Cognition Website: Using JavaScript to Increase Interactivity in Web-based Presentations. Behavior Research, Methods, Instruments & Computers, 31(1), 34-45. (Abstract) Brysbaert, M., Lange, M., & Van Wijnendaele, I. (1998). The effects of age-of-acquisition and frequency-of-occurrence in visual word recognition: Lexical or semantic? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 12(1), 65-85. Papers in preparationLange, M., & Content, A. (1998). Length effects in nonword reading: The contributions of number of letters, number of graphemes, grapheme frequency, and graphemic complexity. En prÈparation. Technical reportsLange, M. (1999). Manipulation de bases de donnÈes lexicales. Rapport interne, SÈminaire technique de l'Ecole Doctorale en Sciences Cognitives (EDSC) du 27 FÈvrier 1999. ConferencesLange, M. (2001, December 10-11). How a study of graphemes-phonemes relations in English disyllabic words challenges theories of print-to-sound derived from the properties of monosyllabic words. Paper presented at the 13th Australian Language and Speech Conference Lange, M. (2000, August 29th). From print-to-sound: Further constraints on the grapheme-phoneme conversion process. Paper presented at the Maccs department, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. Peereman, R., Content, A., Dubois-Dunilac, N., & Lange, M. (2000, July 2000). Statistical characteristics of orthographies and the study of learning. Paper presented at the Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, Stockolm, Sweden. Lange, M., & Content, A. (1999). Is print-to-sound conversion based on rules? Paper presented at the XIth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Gent (Belgium). (Abstract & Full Paper) Lange, M., & Content, A. (1999). The grapho-phonological system of written French: Statistical analysis and empirical validation. Paper accepted for ACL'99: the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Thematic session on Computational Psycholinguistics. University of Maryland, June 20-26, 1999. (Abstract & Full Paper) Brysbaert, M., Lange, M., & Van Wijnendaele, I. (1998). Independent effects of age-of-acquisition and frequency-of-occurrence in visual word recognition: Evidence From Dutch. Paper presented at the Xth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Jerusalem (Israel). Lange, M., & Content, A. (1998). Length effects in pseudoword reading: Letters or graphemes? Communication prÈsentÈe ý la RÈunion annuelle de la SociÈtÈ Belge de Psychologie, Leuven, 8 Mai 1998. (Abstract) Lange, M., Content, A. & Peereman, R. (1995). Serial processing in visual word recognition. Communication prÈsentÈe ý la RÈunion annuelle de la SociÈtÈ Belge de Psychologie, Louvain-La-Neuve, 12 Mai 1995. Content, A., Lange, M. & Peereman, R. (1995). What's serial in visual word recognition? Communication prÈsentÈe ý la "VIIIth Escop Conference", Rome, 23-27 Septembre 1995. Content, A., Lange, M. & Peereman, R. (1995). Sequential components in visual word recognition. Communication prÈsentÈe au "36th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society", Los Angeles, Novembre 1995. Invited talksLange, M. (2002, January 14). How a study of graphemes-phonemes relations in English disyllabic words challenges theories of print-to-sound derived from the properties of monosyllabic words. Paper presented at the xxx, University of Antwerp, Belgium Lange, M. (2002, January 14). How a study of graphemes-phonemes relations in English disyllabic words challenges theories of print-to-sound derived from the properties of monosyllabic words. Paper presented at the xxx, University of Dijon, France PostersLange, M., & Content, A. (2000, November 16-19). Grapheme complexity and length effects in visual word recognition. Paper presented at the 41st Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, Louisana, USA. Lange, M., & Content, A. (2000, October 18‚20). Activation of multiple phonemic associates of graphemes in visual word recognition. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on the Mental Lexicon, Montreal, Canada. Brysbaert, M., Lange, M., & Van Wijnendaele, I. (1997). The effects of age-of-acquisition and frequency-of-occurrence in visual word recognition: Lexical or semantic? Poster prÈsentÈ ý la RÈunion annuelle de la SociÈtÈ Belge de Psychologie, Bruxelles, 25 Avril 1997. BodÈ, S., Destrebecqz, A., Duscherer, K., Lange, M., Merck, S., Smeets, C., et Holender, D. (1994). Negative priming in the Stroop task: automatic inhibition or conscious influence? Poster prÈsentÈ ý la RÈunion annuelle de la SociÈtÈ Belge de Psychologie, LiËge, 6 Mai 1994. |
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Complete URL to this document: "http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~mlange/" |
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Last updated
January GMT
by Marielle Lange |